Author Topic: Jesse  (Read 517 times)


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« on: April 14, 2011, 06:03:19 am »
Hey guys. I'm Jesse, I am your current head admin. My in-game username is Jesse. I am more than willing to help you out if you have any questions at all. I am usually online at least 6 hours a day sometimes more. Please feel free to send me a message in the game or even over the forums if you need help and i will do my best to get back to you as soon as I can to answer your questions. Please do NOT ask me to give you free items or to spawn things.
1. I will not give free items no matter what.
2. Also do not ask me to spawn you stuff. (I can not spawn)
3. Do not ask me how or if you can have staff position.

If for some reason you do ask me one of these questions i will not respond, your message will simply be discarded or ignored. I guess I will end my post with, I hope you enjoy our server and I wish all of you the very BEST of luck! =D

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